Defeat the machines.

Tired of getting cold calls, emails, and messages? Stop most sales spam in one click.

Pitchfire gmail plugin

Your new policy for cold outreach.

Send every cold email, call, or LinkedIn message to Pitchfire with our inbox plugins.

Supports both Google Workspace and Microsoft Outlook.

Pull yourself out of sales automation in one click.

Use Pitchfire to get paid when you get prospected.

Use Pitchfire to get answers directly from your prospects.
No responses, no charge.

pitchfire calendar

No meetings required.

Send businesses to Pitchfire, and get paid every time you respond to them, even if you aren't interested.

Help a seller out

Org charts suck. Salespeople spend hours a week guessing who to sell to.

Get paid to help a sales person find the right person at your company, even if it isn't you.

Real intel from the inside.

You know your company's situation, priorities, and budget better than anyone.

Help a business understand if you are a good fit in less than 2 minutes.

Stop automation

When your reply to a cold email with Pitchfire, we thread the email and pull you out of 90% of cold emails.

It's up to the salesperson to decide if they want to pay you to respond.

Never respond to prospecting for free again.

You deserve to get paid when you get pitched.

Supports both Google Workspace and Microsoft Outlook.